
Full Line Drill to Line Drill (KCD Users)

When you import from KCD into the Online Ordering platform all the gables are imported as Full Line Drill. If you’re not sure of the different drilling types that Sherwood Shelving offers, please refer to our Drilling Terminology video. When you design in KCD you add units on the wall in each room. 

How to change the drilling on gables from full line drill to line drill

Each Unit is numbered sequentially as you add them so if you’ve already added a unit in another room and then go back to a previous room and delete a unit the number will now be out of sequence. This isn’t a problem, but it does make it easier for the designer and installer to find a specific unit in a job especially if it’s a large job.

A good practice when you’re about to change the drilling attributes in the Online Ordering platform, especially if you only have one monitor on your computer, is to split your screen with the Online Ordering open on one half and your job drawings open on the other half. A quick and easy way to do this (PC Users) is to click and drag on the top of the window and pull to the side of your monitor. Once your curser hits the side of the screen the window, that your dragging will automatically enlarge and fit exactly half of your screen. Then you will see all the other open documents and you just need to click on the one you want, and it will fill the other half of your screen. Another big help is to make sure you have a printed copy of the Gabel Length Chart in front of you. The Online Ordering platform requires the exact height of the gable down to the 3rd decimal place. So having this design help on hand makes this process much easier.

Now that your computer and workspace is all setup you can begin changing the Left and Right gable values to match your drawings. One important thing to note is that when the gables are imported into the Online Ordering platform from KCD they will often not be in sequential order. The best practice is to work from your drawings along each wall, and from room to room, in the order of the units on each wall. This means you will need to scroll up and down in the Online Ordering platform to find the unit you are looking for. Also note that in the Online Ordering platform under the Left and Right drilling attributes, the unit number is automatically placed in a field call “Section” when the job is imported. ClosetPro call it a section whereas KCD call these units, so the names are used interchangeably.

Working through your drawings, one unit at a time, you need to find the unit in the Online Ordering and determine if there are 1 or 2 gables associated with the unit. In KCD tall units next to a shorter unit will usually have 2 gables associated with the tall unit and the shorter unit might only have one gable. If you are working on a unit with 2 gables and each of these gables will have different drilling patterns, you will need to click on the line-item copy button found in between the delete and quantity amount on the individual line item. Once you make a copy of any line-item make sure to change the quantity amounts, so you don’t end up getting more gables than required for the job. For example, if you have a gable with a quantity of 2 and you copy it, make sure to change the original line-item quantity to 1 and the duplicated line-item quantity to 1. Located at the bottom of the product space you will find a total of all the products, in this case the total number of gables. Make sure this number matches the drawing total gable quantity needed for the job.

Work your way through each line-item product attribute (i.e., Left Drilling and Right Drilling) changing the Left and Right drilling attributes according to your drawings. This is done in the Left and Right attribute field called “Top Down Height” and “Top Down Depth.” Most of the time these are the field you will be changing. Occasionally you might need some Bottom Up drilling and those fields are available. It’s a good practice to minimize each line of attributes after you’ve double checked that they are correct. In this way you know which line-items you’ve finished, and you won’t get confused. Once you’ve worked your way through all the gables you’ve finished with this product. Now go on and double check all the other product to make sure they’ve imported correctly. Verifying this information is vitally important if you want to avoid any mistakes because the information entered in the Online Ordering platform is automatically sent to our CNC machines and cut and drilled according to these parameters.

Full line drill to clean drill
Line drill

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