
Import from ClosetPro

We want to inform you that, currently, the importing process from ClosetPro may not include all closet parts. If you’ve designed using any of these components, we kindly ask you to double-check if they have imported successfully. In the event that certain parts are missing, please be aware that manual import is necessary at this time. We want to assure you that our team is diligently working to streamline the import process for all closet parts.

We understand the importance of a seamless integration, and we appreciate your patience as we work towards a comprehensive solution. Software enhancements of this nature require careful attention, and we are committed to providing you with a reliable and efficient importing experience.

As a temporary measure, please follow the recommended steps for manual import to ensure that your designs include all the necessary components. Additionally, stay informed about any updates or announcements from ClosetPro, as we are actively addressing and resolving this issue.

  • Miscellaneous 
  • Island Gable – Double
  • Island Divider
  • Corner Gable
  • Sliding Shelf
  • Corner Shelf Pie – Fixed
  • Corner Shelf Pie – Adjustable
  • Corner Shelf Radius – Fixed
  • Corner Shelf Radius – Adjustable
  • Corner Shelf L Shaped – Fixed
  • Corner Shelf L Shaped – Adjustable
  • File Drawer
  • Filler
  • Backer

If you encounter persistent challenges or have specific inquiries, our support team is ready to assist you. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process.

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