
Line Drill vs Clean Drill (ClosetPro Users)

Line Drill vs Clean Drill in ClosetPro

ClosetPro is a very powerful software and can export either Line Drill or Clean Drill information right to the Sherwood Shelving Online Ordering platform. This really reduces the effort and time involved to change the drilling information in the Online Ordering environment in order to get the type of drilling your customer wants. To learn more about Line Drill vs Clean Drill options that Sherwood Shelving offers, see our Learning Center post called Drilling Terminology.

The type of drilling that ClosetPro exports all depends on which unit or section was selected and from what catalog. All of the sections found in the ClosetPro catalogs will export as Line Drill. Only the catalog labeled Sherwood Clean Drill contain sections that will export with a Clean Drill pattern. If a section is selected from on of the regular catalogs the Lind Drill pattern will mirror the shorter of the two gables within a section. If sections are used from the Sherwood Clean Drill catalog, they will automatically be exported with a Clean Drill pattern.

It is important after adding or swapping a section on a wall to not just choose another section off the main screen when you go back into the catalog area. Some Line Drill sections might look like a Clean Drill section so the best practice is to always go back into the Sherwood Clean Drill catalog before selecting a new section. In this way you can be sure that this section has a Clean Drill pattern. It is also very important to look at the sections name as this will also help avoid this mistake.

The Sherwood Clean Drill catalog is organized with 8ft high sections and Regular height sections. It’s important to keep in mind that you cannot have 8ft and Regular sections on the same wall. The drilling for a Clean Drill section starts at the top of the gable and works down so if the top of the gables are uneven heights the drilling wont line up with the other gable.

Once your job has been imported into the Online Ordering platform, make sure to double check all the drilling parameters before submitting your order to Sherwood Shelving.

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