Category: ClosetPro Software

ClosetPro Software

Using Double Vertical Panels

Using double vertical panels in ClosetPro The Double Vertical (Gable) option is ClosetPro make switching between double and single shared gables simple. This option can

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ClosetPro Software

Adding Layers

Adding layers in ClosetPro Layers in ClosetPro essentially allows the designer to build multiple walls into one and have multiple units over multiple units. On

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ClosetPro Software

Measuring Tool

How to use the measuring tool in ClosetPro Yes, ClosetPro has a measuring tool so you can measure any distance in your closet design. From

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ClosetPro Software

Using the Equalizer Tool

Using the equalizer tool in ClosetPro ClosetPro offers an Equalizer Tool which is an amazingly powerful feature. This is found on the Build page under the left

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ClosetPro Software

Notes and Annotations

How to add notes and annotations Notes, labels and annotations can be added to ClosetPro designs to highlight any feature for your customers. There are

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ClosetPro Software

Engage Accessories in ClosetPro

Learn how to use the Engage Accessories in ClosetPro. A complete home organizing solution includes accessories carefully selected to meet your customer’s needs. Sherwood Shelving

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ClosetPro Software

Adding Units to a Wall

This tutorial shows how to select and add units to place on a wall. It also gets into some detail about how to edit a

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ClosetPro Software

Create a ClosetPro Account

Creating a ClosetPro Account as a Sherwood Shelving Dealer is simple. Go to the Sherwood Shelving website and in the upper right corner click on

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