Measuring Each Closet

Accurate measurements are crucial for the seamless production and installation of a professional closet system. Precise measurements not only save valuable time but also contribute to cost efficiency. Before advancing to the next closet, it is imperative to meticulously measure the closet space, evaluate the wardrobe, identify any specific requirements, and draft a comprehensive floor plan sketch.

While the customer’s preferences can be considered if they are present during the measurement, it is advisable not to spend an extensive amount of time on it initially. Once all the closets have been measured, a dedicated session with the customer can be scheduled to collaboratively design each closet.

To ensure accuracy in measurements, we recommend the following procedures:

Important Note: Accurate measurements are essential for any wall where the rail will be mounted.

  1. Measure the Back Wall: Place the tape in one corner and extend it to the opposite corner. For longer walls, seek assistance or use a laser tape measure, noting that clothing and cabinets should not obstruct the laser.
  2. Solo Measurement Tip: If working alone, mark the middle of the wall to the nearest foot at the farthest point you can securely hold the tape. Then, measure from the opposite corner back to the mark, ensuring a straight tape for precision.
  3. Height Variations: Repeat step one at three different heights on the back wall— one foot off the ground, midway up, and as high as you can reach. Record the smallest measurement as the width for the back wall.
  4. Ceiling Height: Measure the ceiling height inside the closet from the floor to the ceiling, ensuring accuracy to the nearest 1/2″. For installations involving crown molding or a closet organizer extending to the ceiling, a more precise measurement is necessary.
  5. Return Walls: Measure the return walls from the inside corner to the outside, rounding to the nearest 1/2″. Also measure the front wall, width and height of door openings, and casement work around the door.
  6. Detailed Recording: Record measurements for elements like light switches, electrical receptacles, plumbing clean-outs, baseboards, security boxes, etc. Label everything that requires consideration during the closet design process. It’s advisable to highlight any unusual aspects in your floor plan to avoid overlooking them later.


Once the closet is accurately measured, proceed to analyze the wardrobe using the guidelines in the “Wardrobe Analysis” article. This comprehensive approach ensures precision and efficiency in the closet production and installation process.

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