Basic Design Priorities

Design according to wardrobe and space available (see section 2.2 in “Designing the Sherwood ShelvingTM System”)


Carefully consider closet type, size – including ceiling height, structure, door type and opening.

Customer Wardrobe

Design with customer’s complete wardrobe in mind. When you design with the whole wardrobe in mind, you will not create a lot of potential issues and keep the customer happy with your service.

Hanging Items

Emphasis on providing additional hanging space.

• Long items must be considered first. In a combination closet (husband and wife), it is recommended they share this unit which is generally placed in a corner. Most people require very litle long hang – typically 18” – 24” is enough. Always make sure to review this with your client before designing.

• Medium or pant hang items also need a specific unit. However, in a small closet a long hang unit should accommodate both long and medium hang units. This unit is generally placed next to the long hang unit.

• Separates (double hang) are usually the most used and important part of the customer’s wardrobe and therefore needs to be placed toward the center of the closet. Separates are those items that can be double hung and are also referred to as “short hang” items.

Shelf Items

Shoes, sweaters, t-shirts, purses, handbags and hats are important for wardrobe coordination when stored on shelves above each hang- ing unit. Therefore, width dimensions for hanging and shelving must be well thought out in the design.

Example: You have determined you need 20” to accommodate the customer’s dresses.  Knowing three shelves above this unit will be used for sweaters, you would need to increase the section to 24” thereby accommodating the dresses and allowing for two stacks of sweaters side-by-side on each shelf.

CAUTION: It is important that you understand the following restrictions when designing an organizer system:

• Drawers CANNOT be made for under 12” depths.

• The hole drill pattern for the 18” deep gables WILL NOT accommodate wardrobe tube.

The clearance required for fully extended drawers: (not including clearance from the handle)

  • 14” Deep Drawers: you will require 25.5” 
  • 16” Deep Drawers: you will require 28.75” 
  • 14” Deep Soft Close Drawers: you will require 24.2” 
  • 16” Deep Soft Close Drawers: you will require 32.5”  

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