Once you have completed your design in KCD Software, and have set your unit info and added the accessories you want, follow these simple steps to create a CSV export file.
- On the menu click Price and the pricing box will appear. Choose Sherwood Shelving Export in the Unit Pricing column and Sherwood Shelving Cut List. in the Printed Reports column then click Calculate.
WARNING: Once you have clicked on the Calculate button, DO NOT try to cancel it! KCD does not like this and it will require clicking OK multiple times until the report is eventually created.
- A box appears asking What is the Drilling style? It doesn’t matter which drilling you choose as it will only import as Full Line Drill. Then click OK.
- Another box will appear asking you what Tier Level you are using. Again this doesn’t matter as your pricing will show up at your Tier level once imported into OLO.
- Two other boxes with questions will appear
- Include Molding Yes or No?
- Include Baseboard Yes or No?
Say No to both as these items as they are not required for importing into OLO. Creating this report will automatically create the export csv file.

The csv export file is automatically created when the Cutlist report is generated. It is usually saved to a file on your computer titled “_KCD Export”. This is a folder that you would have set up at time of installing KCD. The export file will be saved with the name of your KCD job.
From the Sherwood Shelving website homepage, under Products click on Bridge. You will be able to simply drag and drop your CSV export file and it will be converted to a file needed to import into the Online Ordering (OLO) plateform.
Before you drag and drop this file onto the Bridge, make sure to choose the KCD Design Software option at the far left. Also choose what hardware and accessories you want to include in OLO by selecting the check boxes on the upper right.
Once you’ve dropped your export file a new converted file is automatically created. Check your downloads and you will see a new file named with your original job name and an extension of …converted-(date).csv like you see here.

From the Sherwood Shelving homepage, under Login, click on “Online Ordering”. You will need to login with your credentials. Once you’re logged in, click on the “Import New Order” button located in the lower right corner of the screen. See image to the right.

A screen will appear that allowing you to choose the converted file that was created by the Bridge. Choose this file and then click box next to the following:
- I have read the instructions for importing, agree to verify, and assume full responsibility
- Using Folders
Now click on the Next button at the lower right and your job will import into OLO. Please reveiw your order carefully and if there are any validation notices make the needed changes.