Post-Installation Procedures

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Clean Up

First impressions are always a very important aspect of providing exceptional service. When your customer sees their new closet organizers you want to create the “WOW” factor! Attention to detail is vitally important when you’re trying to accomplish this. It’s not just about the shelving itself, it’s everything in the immediate area. Making sure there is no dust in the corners, even if that dust was there before you started. Improving the overall area gives value and service to your customer, and then it comes down to it, that’s really what it’s all about…improving the life of your customer.

Clean the shelving with a product of your choice. In the shop, at Sherwood Shelving, we use acetone because it easily removes any glue residue or marks. Mineral spirits or contact adhesive solvent work well also.

CAUTION: When using these products always use Personal Protection Equipment (POE) and be extremely careful not to splash or spill any of the product. Also, because these products are a solvent, spilling onto any surface can, and will, damage it. Even if you spill a little on a carpet, you might not immediately see any damage, but it can delaminate the carpet and a bubble or bump in the carpet can appear.

Remove any excess glue from the edges (use in a well-ventilated area and again, with the proper safety equipment). On flat edge-taped items, look for any sharp corners on drawers or on the bottom of gables and use a fine file to take off the sharp edges on these corners. This is important so that a customer or a small child cannot injure themselves. You may have to vacuum or wipe down floors and any areas that require it.

Making sure the work areas are left clean and tidy will leave a good impression with the customer and give the overall installation a clean and finished look. Remember: first impressions are very important!

REMINDER: Do not forget to clean the white rail cap as it usually gets marked-up during the installation.

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