Closing The Sale

Remember, the customer has already indicated a desire by asking for an appointment. It is the role of the designer to identify the customer’s needs and make the sale. This can be done by:

  • Assuming you will make the sale
  • Selling benefits directly related to the customer’s needs
  • Seeking “yes” decisions
  • Keeping a positive attitude
  • Isolating and eliminating objections
  • Asking for the sale

Perfecting closing techniques is important if designers want to progress from being order takers to professional designers.

Closing Techniques

There are numerous effective closing techniques used by the top designers in our industry. The following closing techniques are provided to assist you in your sales close:

Trial Close

This is sometimes called a test question. This technique is used to “take the customer’s temperature.” That is, when asking a test question, the designer is looking for an answer that gives a positive response. The trial close permits the customer to express interest in buying without the stress of a firm reply. When the answer is positive, it shows the customer has reached a level of interest and may be ready to complete the sale.


  • “Would you prefer the jewelry drawer next to the long hang section or below the shoes?”
  • “When we install your closet, would you prefer the morning or afternoon?”

Assumptive Close

The assumptive close is simply taking the attitude that the product is sold from the minute you arrive at your appointment. The communication from you to the customer is based on this assumption.


  • “Hi, may name is ______________ . I’m with XYZ Closet Company and I’m here to design your new closet system.” Or later on you might say,
  • “You’re going to love the extra storage space in your new closet.”
  • “Your husband will thank you every day. Finally he’ll have his very own space in the closet.”
  • Explaining the design: “Your (wardrobe item) will go in this section and you’re going to really appreciate the flexibility as you change your wardrobe from season to season.”

The assumptive close uses open-ended questions that require a response. This is the best way to include the customer in ownership.


  • “(Customer Name) what do you think you are going to enjoy most about your new closet system?”
  • “We have an installation opening for next Monday. Will that fit into your schedule?”

With this approach the dialogue between you and the customer transitions smoothly from presentation to making the sale.

The Alternative Choice Close

This approach gives the customer a choice. Never give the customer a choice between something and nothing; make it between something and something else. In this way neither choice is a no.


  • “Will you take the opening on Tuesday, or would Saturday morning be best?”

Summary Close

Reviewing the benefits of the product and design allows the designer to create a logical sequence of affirmative responses. Therefore, the decision to buy becomes when not if.


  • “Now Ms. Smith, let’s do a quick review. First, we’ve decided that the melamine meets your requirements. Second, your available hanging space has been increased. Third, the estimate fits into your budget. Finally, the installation date needs to be coordinated. We’ll have an installer in the area on Thursday, so let’s schedule your closet for then.”

Action Close

This is a variation on the assumptive close. The designer does not ask a closing question, but rather starts doing something the customer must stop if he or she is not ready to buy. For example, when the customer is satisfied with the plans, the designer begins filling out a contract. If the customer is not ready to buy, he/she must stop the designer.

The Direct Approach Close

If a designer has given a thorough sales presentation using all the available sales aids, created the right image, used the assumptive sales approach and still fails to close the sale, the designer should ask herself/himself these questions:

  • Did I identify and answer objections?
  • Did I ask for the order?

Quite often the designer has simply neglected to ask for the order. It is this final direct approach that assures the designer that he/she, in fact, has asked for the sale.


  • “What will it take to get your closet installed?”

If you can, it’s always best to try and close the sale while you are at the customer’s home. Write up and sign the contracts and schedule the installation. Closing the sale right away is best becasue the customer has a greater desire to purchase and less chance for another company to underbid your job.

Make sure to collect the deposit and leave the customer with a copy of the contract. You also need to go over the pre-installation instructions which include your breakout policy and any requirements to remove clothing from the closet prior to the installation.

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