Importing with ClosetPro

Create An Export File

Once you have completed your design in ClosetPro, follow these simple steps to create a CSV export file.

  1. On your ClosetPro customer screen find the jobs that you designed.  
  2. At the end of each job line there is a download icon. There is actually one at the begining and one at the end. The one at the begining is incorrect and will eventually be removed.
  3. Click on the download icon at the end of the row and a csv file will automatically be created and sent to your download folder. 
  4. Repleat this process for each job file – or room – that you’ve created for the customer.

Using the Bridge

You can access the Bridge from our website found under the Product menu, or once you’ve logged into your Online Ordering (OLO) account. You can use the quick link found in the upper right corner to open the Bridge. 

Get in the habit of selecting the sofware you are using. In this case choose ClosetPro, if you don’t the import file will not work. Also, on the upper right side of the Bridge you can select what you want to import.

If you have multiple files (i.e. multiple rooms) select all the files in your download directory and either drag and drop onto the Bridge, or you can open the Bridge upload and select all the room files. The Bridge will automatically create a “converted” file and place it into your downloads directory. 

Bridge - ClosetPro

Online Ordering Account

Once you’ve used the Bridge to create your newly converted csv file you can go back into your OLO account. Please note that regardless of how many rooms, or csv files you uploaded to the Bridge, the Bridge will only create one converted csv file that is used to import into OLO. 

Now upload the converted file by either clicking the “Import New Order” button found in the bottom right of your company home screen or selecting “Import Order” under the order menu.
It will only take a few seconds, depending on how big your order is, and all the rooms will appear in separate folders giving the price for each room and the total for the job. Of course, you can now open these folders and make any changes required and confirm that the complete order imported correctly.

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