Add a Baseboard Notch – KCD Software

Disclaimer: Please note that some of the information in the video has changed and might not be applicable.

Adding a baseboard notch is a simple process but very important because if you fail to add the baseboard notch, even though you might have added a note, the shop will not manufacture your gable with a baseboard notch. With units on the wall just double click on the unit that you want to add baseboard notch. The right-hand change unit sidebar appears and scroll to the bottom and click on Options.

Add Baseboard Notch 1

A new window will appear showing the baseboard option. Highlight, or select this option, and then press OK.

Add Baseboard Notch 2

If you need to add a baseboard notch to several units on a wall you need to know how many gables are associated with that unit. You will then need to go into each individual unit, that you want to have a baseboard notch, and select that option. It’s a good idea to double check your work by printing out a cut list to make sure all the gables that need baseboard notches have them.

Add Baseboard Notch 3

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